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Acupuncture in Oceanside and Solana Beach, CA

Ananda Stevenson, MS, L.Ac.
Ananda Stevenson, MS, L.Ac.


The goal with Acupuncture and using functional medicine (herbs, and nutritional supplements) is to optimize your health and wellness by creating harmony with your body, mind, and spirit. We believe that while ailments have a localised discomfort, they often have underlying root causes. These root origins are imbalances, which, over time, manifest in varying symptomatic problems and patterns throughout the body. When left untreated, this begins the layering or progressions of disease.

We treat both the root and branch (symptoms) causes using acupuncture, nutritional supportive care, high quality herbal formulas, and lab work. We use only the best: Pharmasan Labs, Metagenics, Evergreen, Golden Flower, and neuroscience. Our practice is focused on womens health, infertility, weight loss, chronic pain, sports medicine, and cosmetic acupuncture. Our clinic has over 25 years of experience in North county giving only the best, and thousands of years of history in helping to balance body, mind, and spirit in harmony with acupuncture.

NEW: Nancy is using Theragem fusion light therapy with her patients to enhance the healing during their acupuncture session. Learn More…


Acupuncture: A Gentle Touch in the Fight Against Cancer

Acupuncture: A Gentle Touch in the Fight Against Cancer

Hearing you’ve been diagnosed with cancer can feel like getting run over by a freight train. It can be overwhelming to learn about the prognosis, treatment options, and what to expect as you begin the journey that will hopefully lead to a full recovery. 

The aggressive treatments, often including chemotherapy and radiation, can leave patients feeling drained and in

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Acupuncture Offers Hope for Diabetes Management

Acupuncture Offers Hope for Diabetes Management

If you or someone you love suffers from type 2 diabetes, then you understand the challenges that come with this disease. Despite adhering to a medication regimen and making positive lifestyle changes, those dealing with diabetes might still struggle with managing blood sugar levels. Frustration and fatigue can be constant companions. But did you know that acupuncture can help

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Examining the Synergy of Acupuncture and Meditation

Examining the Synergy of Acupuncture and Meditation

If you suffer from stress and anxiety (and really, who doesn’t?) and you are looking for better and holistic ways to cope, you might want to consider the combination of meditation and acupuncture. While there is a big difference between the two, what they bring together is a formidable duo in pursuit of complete wellbeing. 

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